My aim is to find innovative solutions to difficult digital problems. I strive to create interfaces that are effective, providing efficient, accessible, and functional experiences that lead to successful outcomes.


I'm a Frontend Developer with an artistic background, passionate about creating user-friendly digital solutions, and staying ahead of the latest web technologies and trends. I specialize in crafting creative experiences, developing efficient and intuitive platforms, and enhancing web usability. My core values are making the web accessible to all, finding innovative solutions to complex challenges, and creating products with lasting influence. I'm always eager to explore new opportunities. If you'd like to collaborate, please don't hesitate to contact me.


My personal values revolve around making the web universally accessible, creating products with a lasting impact, and staying at the forefront of web technologies and trends to ensure my products are innovative. I am dedicated to crafting products that not only look aesthetically pleasing but are also highly functional and user friendly, regardless of device or browser.

Icon of an abstract shape resembling a sun with shining rays.

I am committed to optimizing both the speed and the copy of my products, as copywriting is an essential part of any website or application – conveying a message to the user in a clear and concise manner. I make sure that all copy is well-structured, error-free, and compelling to the user, as well as being optimized for search engine visibility and SEO. By staying attuned to the latest trends and technologies, I am able to create products that are both innovative and up-to-date. As a result, I can ensure that my products are of the highest quality, giving users the best experience possible.


I always strive to create the most effective products possible through a comprehensive and holistic approach to development. This entails every aspect of the process, from structuring code in a way that allows for scalability, to utilizing the most modern and effective technologies for performance, security, and accessibility. It also includes developing for the best usability, and testing for compatibility across browsers, devices, and operating systems. All of these components are essential in order to guarantee that the best practices are being upheld.

SVG of a spiral with an arrow at one of the points.


Planning is essential for defining project goals and objectives, and creating a roadmap to direct progress. It helps to ensure that all stakeholders are on the same page and that the project is completed in a timely and efficient manner. Prototyping is an important part of the development process as it helps to visualize the concept of the product before writing any code. It consists of creating a basic version of the website which demonstrates how the it will look and work, and what features it will have. During development, code is written and the product is implemented. This involves creating the frontend with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and other technologies to make a website that works. Testing is vital for development and maintenance of websites, as it verifies that specs are met and any issues are addressed quickly. Regular tests ensure the website is functioning as expected and changes are implemented correctly. The launch phase involves making the website live. This includes uploading the code to a server, configuring the domain, and optimizing the website for performance and usability.
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After graduating high school, I was driven by my love for writing and decided to enroll in community college for a Communications degree. However, I soon realized that it wasn't quite the right path for me and decided to take a step back. Instead, I began exploring everything that interested me, from creative writing, to photography and graphic design.

SVG of an abstract shape resembling a rounded cross with a diamond in the center.

That's when I discovered the potential of websites and their endless capacity for innovation and communication. I threw myself into learning HTML, CSS, and JavaScript and was even lucky enough to be awarded a OneTen scholarship for the Udacity Frontend Nanodegree Program. I've fine-tuned my knowledge of web development and gained valuable insights from senior software engineers who act as mentors. I'm set to graduate in March 2023, feeling more confident than ever in my ability to be an effective front end developer.


Are you interested in collaborating? I'm open to new ideas and confident that, together, we can create something extraordinary. Don't hesitate to reach out.